Talking Selling Points 06/11/20
I might not be everyone's cup of tea but I'll attempt to compel you to read what is going to sell, even if eventually, so come over to me. I have an instinctive vision regarding the lifting of a veil. This is my trial and I've been fettered for a while in living hell. We all recall, but I can see tomorrow well. And, my vision will unfold like lawn furniture, here in this cell of evil Demons I believe in, 'cause I'm hanging on like dangling skin and looking rather thin, I try to hide where Angels dare not dwell within... so if you are afar, you are still akin and change that attitude, my friend. Together we will change this world again. Disregarding the color of one's skin, we must adjust the barcode that's eroding, some of us must try to be as trustful because it is now, then. Where have you been? What have you found? Now, don't go digging sacred burial mounds, if only 'cause you fired off a few resounding rounds and killed an unarmed man retreating much too slowly for finding equal grounds. "I'm going to empty gritty coffee down..." my Mamas words still do astound for me and many miles around this pissant town where I once drowned in a bottle of moonshine whiskey, see? Not me 'cause I went temporarily blind. Oh, I can go on and on, and just in case you'd like to know too what extent I'll really set my heart on, go to my blogger before somebody else gets a part of me and I am gone...
~W. R. Schaefer Jr.©`*
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