I really think it's difficult to talk about something that is so unknown to any of us that we keep losing focus on what we are concentrating on because of the fact that it's so bizarre it actually seems to defy description. It is frustrating, to say the least. To expound on it is almost likely to be a fruitless effort again. Something of the magnitude of confusion as the "Skinwalker Ranch" can only stand testament to what folly it is to try to discuss what we know so little of its nature. I think it will be 'long in the coming' until we are truly capable of having an involved discussion on that topic due to its ambiguity. Morphous and enigmatic are the only terms we can assign such a subject at this juncture. ~W. R. Schaefer Jr.
Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, which is a signature of the times we exist in, but I wholeheartedly believe that there are people who, due to their vast wealth have the means to stage incredibly mind-blowing events to make people say; "Wow! This is so confusing that I guess anything is possible." The truth is that, yes, anything is possible if we can cover the bill. As far as technology goes, we really don't see what the actual state of the art is because we haven't been exposed to those secrets which are likely known only to the select few with such fabulous wealth to afford its demonstration.
You must know that the globalists who possess that kind of wealth, in attempting to grab world domination, will attempt to trick the population into running scared into their awaiting arms by using this costly trickery. Such might take the form of an alien invasion or a mock-up of the major religions of our world. Such would perhaps take the form of a giant three-dimensional holographic animation of Jesus Christ in the sky. I am expecting it to happen if they can't snuff us with this pandemic illness, that too is partially fake. Fake news was one method they have already attempted. The major news outlets in America are shameful in their obvious monotonous lying in unison, and infamous for being obvious puppets of the Socialists global elites. That, along with trying to make the public believe that President Trump has been involved in every sordid criminal act at all imaginable.
What does this all have to do with what's said to have transpired at the so-called "Skinwalker Ranch?" I think I've given a pretty good overview of the construct needed to make such a terror appear real. One of the things that stand out about that case is the absurdity in trying to fight back against something so seemingly powerful as to drain any fight you may still possess right out of you. It seemed to have worked out like that with the former owners. They were so befuddled and beaten down by losing their prized animals, pets, and peace of mind that they chose to vacate and sell out to the immensely rich Mr. Robert Bigelow who it was said would hire a group to come in and study the phenomena taking place there.
I believe it was NIDS or some such acronym I can't really say what those letters mean without researching it further. I didn't take notes regarding this case as I customarily do. National Institute for Discovery Sciences, perhaps. My best guess anyhow. It was just a heartbreaking thing for the former owners to bear, as you can imagine. They were hesitant to sell the Ranch to any unknowing party for the simple fact that was they to relate such bizarre happenings to any such interested and potential buyer, the deal would die right there. Bigelow and his group were a Godsend I'm sure. It does make me wonder a bit about why, other than a natural curiosity and money to burn, anybody would proceed to buy the place. There are hundreds of acres of undeveloped land there, so I suppose that is one reason. Beyond that lies the poor prospect of ever being able to do anything with it unless by chance you could harness, or drive out whatever dark forces exist there.
-W. R. Schaefer Jr.
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