ABORTION At ISSUE

Our country's abortion history has been a procession of court battles and angry arguments and other deep and heartfelt exchanges of sentiment surrounding this issue since Union days. I can say by judging its oppositions emotionally charged vitality, and the ensuing fight that is women's right to choose what she does with her body as a matter of privacy, with my confidence and collective memory intact, this is one fight that is far from over.

  In the '1700s,' perhaps it had no name. By the '1800s' abortion simply described the termination of a pregnancy, and was not yet counted as anything more than a matter in passing. There was an uncounted number of reasons why a woman might possibly be pregnant (I'll bet we can name one). One must realize premarital sex existed quietly but certain. Saloons were a common place to find a woman who would trade sex for payment too. Though downplayed, it has always existed in some form or another. It must serve to make us feel fortunate.
  Illinois was first to hand down punishment for terminating a pregnancy by ingesting a drug. Up until 1827, that was the common way to make sure there were no inconvenient or otherwise unwanted surprises in store. If it moved or kicked, it got the boot. Three years in prison was now the penalty for preventing a birth using what was called the "Female monthly pill." None the less, it remained common throughout the 19th century. Probably more too, because several other states followed Illinois's lead.
  By 1860, and up until a grainy 1880, the act of terminating a pregnancy had become a
very serious offense. Sadly, it was not due to any moral public outrage as one might suspect. The physician's trade organization, later to become the AMA felt slighted by allowing a chance which was obviously their domain, to get lost like dollar signs fading on the horizon. This was endorsed too, by none other than the Catholic church in solidarity of condemnation. I guess it was a terrible thing unless a Doctor was attending an abortion then.
  By the turn of the century, the entirety of the United States was firmly in opposition to any pregnancies being terminated by anyone other than a certified Physician. In comparison to the historical records which were in existence concerning the forming of America, the ball was moved from the woman's side of the court, and by some means moved without any obvious play, into the abiding hands of what was to become our own Uncle Sam. Some call him Big Brother, but we have gotten to reference that entity the US government.
  Throughout its storied times which have been passed down through generations, it has taken its share of strokes and blows depending on the source doing the passing. Early on, a territory we have come to understand, much like a child does through its lessons and interpretations of graduating personal experience. We have made mistakes by which we have internalized and hopefully learned from. As any one person will do in attempting to save face, we have lied to our young and ourselves about shame born of truth. Denial will always insist it is a remedy. The ingredient is known well by all who have used it. It is almost never shared, but it serves only to cover a gash which in time bleeds through.
  As time marched in its various paths, and the struggles of the great depression incubated as its pain was vastly felt but for those with plenty, who are unlike the masses as can be shown by a brief study, were they as visible as is the so-called invisible homeless. Enter the 1960s which woke the sleeping, as the gunshot that ended the Kennedy Presidency in a rude fashion. It was and is the thing we are not supposed to discuss, even now. There is too much information, not to mention money. The buck stops exactly where it began. Even with the truth known finally, such as the participants that shocked few so much, as it angered many... There is just too much money on the table demanding silence, in its traditionally menacing way. Not to stray too far off topic, rich women do not notify Doctors to abort...
  There was something akin to a loss of control throughout the length of the Vietnam conflict. People wondered why that debacle was allowed to escalate into overdrive without any sense that seemed even somewhat tangible. Today we know that the banker's war machine was being operated like it was intended to all along, inflicting maximum damage to our country as a byproduct of accumulating untold wealth to its financiers. Citizens meanwhile buried their heads in a hole called drugs, as wounded soldiers got very addicted to the amazing pain relief of the Opium derivative morphine. It wasn't a well-kept secret that Heroin was also available cheap in Jungleland. An army (pun intended) of Heroin addicted Veterans came home, each with bad habits that seemed to blend into the already drug-crazed society at large. We all felt used and confused. I personally felt it was a stroke of luck that the military stopped its drafting on the month before it came too me. Anticipating the draft kept me busy drinking at the local bar Alcoholically, I was experimenting with Psychedelics at that point in my personal history. The US was a mess...
  Everything that was traditional seemed to change. The drinking age for my generation was 18 Y.O. It was a backlash of a country that said: "If they are old enough to fight and die, they are old enough to drink Alcohol." Accountability for breaking laws was also now widespread. The climate of confusion was unsettling. In 1973 a new abortion law was put into practice nullifying a Texas statute which banned abortion in a blanket fashion. This front page bit of legislation became known as Roe vs. Wade. Abortion, which had been unlawful since the late 19th century, changed too. As if carrying the permissive essence of an apologetic nation. To quote the Sorceror Aleister Crowley's Book of the law, after he had famously spoken with alleged Black Magic Deities he had conjured: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." Such was a persistent spell that permeated society in a complete sense. Throughout much of America was an acute relief, that to abort a pregnancy was now a right protected by the 14th amendment of the US constitution. An old saying comes to me now: 'Life is for the living.' It most definitely is not for the aborted...
  It didn't seem to matter to me as a young man, that sex was only a source of pleasure. If I was with a girl that I didn't wish to have a child with, there was always abortion. So, what did it matter to me if the law was well known to me and all of those girls, who weren't in a mental state of feeling victimized? They too felt new freedom previously unknown to all of us. Was that we were living in so tempestuous to us that it's now like a timebomb that is seen so differently through grown and mature eyes? To me, it seems a grotesque joke played on us by the invisible rich, who were fanning the flames of their club called: 'Share The Guilt.' We were indifferent to our decadence then. I did share in the guilt. I am not the same man I was when I was growing up. I felt like a gourd, which I consider a strange growth among the other growing things. I never thought they had any redeeming quality. They were weird and so was I. There was something about those years which seemed to culminate in 1975, when the timebomb detonated and left me awkward and in ruins...
  It never felt good to think about abortion as a possible choice. It embodied an erroneous sort of thought, wrought with guilt to the hilt! Excuse my spontaneous rhyming as I write poetry too. It's a thing I love now, in my twilight years... I will be 63 on Dec.,1. I am not an old man trying to come to terms with my abortion connection. I have done so, in spite of the odds being heavily stacked against doing so. Norma McCovey, aka Jane Roe, and her Dallas, Texas District Attorney, Henry Wade, who was the defendant to her plaintiff in the landmark decision which changed the country forever... Or is there a silver lining to the interior. But it seems so unlikely that California and Texas had passed such extreme restrictions for abortion just before Roe v Wade stood as if it were a huge bolt cutter which shouted "No more enforcement of abortion laws in the United States of America," as it would effectively change abortion policies that weren't even part of the territory!
  Now the flames of dissenting opinions are being heard because of its moral reform that just may have gone too far. Even when recent polls have apparently shown that the country is still strongly united behind early termination without government interference, others appear to favor the actual termination of healthy infants after they have been birthed! Republicans have passed bills protecting the lives of survivors of abortion attempts. There is no doubt that an attempted abortion can seriously harm its survivor. The fierce and emotional battles ensued in 2016, with Democrats leveraging to attempt to oust the POTUS as a token of bad taste for his Anti- Abortion stance. Republicans are sounding the alarms and do wish to oppose and eliminate abortion. As a result, the Civil Liberties Union have filed a lawsuit on behalf of EMN, the Women's Surgical Center in Louisville, Kentucky. It stands as a final bastion of hope for its proponents because it is there only remaining abortion provider. Bill 50 still protects a woman's "Right" to induce abortions.
  As heartless as it sounds, Democrats blocked a Senate Bill that would prevent infanticide... But Vermont is proposing the most radical abortion law in the world.H- 0057 and its 91 cosponsors intends to put forth a bill with limitless abortions of those viable and otherwise totally healthy babies. This came on the heels of a similar law passed in NY (2 weeks earlier). Just days earlier than that a Virginia law which intended to terminate after birth was struck down. That law said a fetus would have no rights protecting it... Experts said it could be the beginning of gruesome experimentation...
  VP Mike Pence wrote in a recent editorial that no moral person would embrace infanticide, it is morally reprehensible and evil. He went on to say the Democrats had fallen away since 2003 when they favored a partial birth/ abortion ban. There were cheers in Albany NY airwaves in regard to the idea of infanticide. In Virginia, in defense of the indefensible. We should be moving away from such barbaric practices... Pence wrote, "The NY and Virginia late-term abortion bills should be a call to action for all Americans," and then solemnly added; "May God have mercy on our nation."
  Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse said; "We have gone too far to support termination after birth." 
H.R. 4712, 115th Congress. Born alive protection Act, who are few. The Senate Bill to stop Infanticide failed when opposed by Democrats in the Senate. However, they failed to get the 60 votes needed to overcome the filibuster rule and be passed into law.      
  What about the Hippocratic oath? They say they won't discriminate. Then the utter nonsense of Medicare for all. On race? Then it expands to categorizing sexual orientation. Then gender ID. To Sex stereotyping, To pregnancy and yes; Termination too! Physicians who decline to terminate would have their license revoked, and all of the states would recognize that. Medicare for all is utopia. Utopia is a contrast to reality, conscience, and freedom. Roe supporters should read the bill. 
  President Trump is an opponent of legal abortion, and that is the cause of his struggles.
Since Norma McCovey (Roe) died in 2017, at the age of 69, it has been the reason for the weakening of abortion support. The climate of the strongly worded debate has passed with Norma. She was, after all a legend in the abortion arena. She was triumphant during a time when great changes were occurring that set a lot of minds in a state of deep pondering
and intentionally protesting things that should have been changed to suit a better purpose. I
dare say that there are those of us who were changed by her in an adverse sort of way. One thing is as certain as it is wise: Never speak ill of the dead. We may all be reunited in a time and place we can't even fathom...
                                         *ꝇ˾˲ 😸 W.R. Schaefer ậƘąⓒ ČặȚɲǏpꞋƝ˾˲

                   * The PRESIDENTIAL Press *                         

  In a fairly recent tweet, the President declared: "The Democrats position on abortion is now so extreme, that they don't mind executing babies after birth." I have been in his corner long before the surprise victory in the Presidential race, as well as during the bizarre attempts to silence him by whatever is circulating in their extreme imaginations. Democrats fear that he will undo all of their intentional trappings to assure they get richer and without all the practical circumstances that generally precede such a befalling of this magnitude.
  President Donald J. Trump has made it very clear that he has inherited an awful mess when he became the 45th President of the USA. Here is a man who is ten years my senior, but for the love of the country that gave him so much, that he would, if left to his own devices, work himself to death. I don't believe that anything is by pure chance. He has gone far, in the sense of changing my mind toward thinking in these terms. He is stubborn because he has a strong desire to keep his promises. If there comes a time when the cold-blooded Socialist who parade under the more acceptable banner of Democrats do succeed in having the President somehow removed from office, it will not be in time to alter what we have, as people learned about how we have been shafted in the meanwhile, by the very plot alluded to by J. F. K. before he was eliminated from public perception, after his veiled warning about the Illuminati, of which the mega-rich have operated while dominating the events and economies of the world, as in what seems to be their enjoyment and/or pet project.
  Also, unbeknownst to the people and citizens too busy to look around, and that class is shrinking quickly now, the so-called controlled weather experiment has failed. The Fakenews networks would have us believe we are in a state of climate change or global warming, whichever you and I believe will make up their confused minds. In actuality, large areas of the Earth are owned by the 'banking cartel.' In case you haven't guessed what is going on in these restricted areas, where one  might find any weather modification equipment known to man, and then some, very secretive personnel who are paid a lot for their loyalty, follow instructions by the paid loyal specialist who understand the functions of such equipment to a fault. Some of it you've probably guessed at while some are advanced beyond known technology. Suffice to imagine where those untold trillions mingle with Black Ops, which are the resulting technology of the Black Budget. The 'budget' doesn't exist of course. These criminals have amassed more wealth than God... Just joking. He doesn't have any use for the root of all evil.
  Returning the focus back to the President, we start to realize how instrumental he is in jamming up the globalists (NWO) plan for humanity, which, without Trump, is void a future. He said he didn't want to be President. He would have left that job to somebody else unless thing became to bad for him to ignore. "I'll tell you what, we wouldn't be cheated like we are." When he was elected, it wasn't a minute too soon. It was very close to being too late. It was his final calling and he was sharp enough to realize how late it had gotten. Humiliation? I'm certain that in some of the ways pop culture has portrayed him may have broken his skin, as might occur by being bitten by a dog. He has mastered the art of being in lofty positions during his life. It has all been practical experience for the logical boss. If you can appreciate the man's perseverance and unusually efficient work ethic and are big enough to accept that he doesn't always bite his tongue, then you too have achieved a milestone in your own life.
  Am I a conspiracy theorist? I don't expect everyone to think in such an abstract vision of thought. I draw my conclusions based on my observations, such as you do but in my own way. There are instances that I retain in my memory that helps manufacture my personal views about a particular subject. Be that subject a person or a thing that I can drop anchor on, and when that subject arises in its carnation, I must admit I am a good study of things. I am gifted too, I guess. That was a good guess! ...Joking. I like expressing my opinion of
a given subject once I have gathered enough information to understand what I am expressing. I dislike taking notes during researching subject matter because I scribble and have difficulty reviewing my notes. This is why generalizing is my favorite form of writing about particular knowledge. It is a freestyle wrapping and unraveling of my thoughts. I also enjoy writing short situational fiction. I am drawn to the dark side but am practicing other areas of different genre's. As a practicing poet, because we are always practicing, the very dark subject matter has cropped up less by now, and I occasionally write a poem or a bit of prose that satisfies me on a pleasing level.

                               *~-|*ℬy~WRSⅽℎAℯℱℯℜ ⓒa㎄ 🇨🅰TᕡіҎʼᕡ`*


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